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Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu
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AA related events will be posted provided that they conform to the Twelve Traditions. Acceptable events would include but not be limited to the following: 1. Intergroup events (Founders Day, I.G. Round-up) 2. Area events 3. District events (alcathons) 4. Registered Homegroup events (dances, campouts, picnics) 5. AA Conventions or Conferences provided they have no outside affiliations. [contact-form 2 “Event”]
About AA
What Is A.A.
BY Credit card
7th Tradition Best Practices
Group Treasurer Template
Area Committees
24 Hour Helpline
12 Step Work
Judiciary DUI
Volunteer Opportunities
Points of Contact Log
Phone Angel Call Log
12 Step Call List
OIG Basics
Is Intergroup a part of the General Service Structure?
Intergroup FAQs
OIG Panel 75 Orientation
Brief Guide for Intergroup Representatives
By Laws
BY-LAWS OF OAHU A.A. INTERGROUP OF HAWAII, INC. (REVISED November 2007) PREAMBLE In all its proceedings, INTERGROUP shall observe the spirit of A.A. tradition, taking great care: that it never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds, plus ample reserve, be its prudent financial principle; that none of its members shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority over any of the others; that all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote, and whenever possible by substantial unanimity; that no committee action ever be personally punitive, or an incitement to public controversy; that though it may act for the service of Alcoholics Anonymous groups on the Island of Oahu, it shall never perform any acts of government; and that, like the society of Alcoholics Anonymous, it will always remain democratic in thought and action. (The above is adapted from the Third Legacy Manual of A.A. World Services and cofounder Bill W’s Twelve Concepts of World Service as adopted by the General Service Conference on April 26, 1962.) I. NAME AND PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATION The name shall be Oahu A.A. INTERGROUP OF HAWAII, Inc., and for convenience be referred to as “INTERGROUP”. The purpose…
Structures and Guidelines
Website Guidelines
OAHU INTERGROUP WEBSITE GUIDELINES – ● REVISION 2 : APPROVED BY INTERGROUP BODY 12/13/2006 1) Oahu Intergroup hereby establishes guidelines for its Web Site. These guidelines shall be composed of the following items: 2) Oahu Intergroup will create and maintain an Internet Web Site: The purpose of the Internet Web Site is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous by providing a resource on the Internet where alcoholics can get information about AA meetings on the island of Oahu, AA-related activities and the business of Oahu Intergroup. 3) The Internet Web Site shall have the name, and 4) The Web Site should use only first names and last initials; no full names to protect anonymity. 5) The Internet Web Site shall include, but not be limited to the following: A) Twelve Steps. B) Twelve Traditions. C) Online Big Book. D) “The Promises”. E) Links to GSO and AA Grapevine. F) Full and accurate list of Meetings on the island of Oahu with meeting names and addresses, times and appropriate meeting flags. G) Email corrections to the webmaster. H) Event Calendar I) Internet Web Site Guidelines. J) Information about Oahu Intergroup including contact info and date/time of Oahu…
OIG Reports
Oahu Intergroup Reports
Category used to post Oahu IG Minutes, Financial Reports, Group Contributions, and Special Event Reports.
OIG Meeting Minutes (Archived 2013-2015)
Oahu Intergroup Minutes – October 13 2010 Oahu Intergroup Minutes – September 8 2010 Oahu Intergroup Minutes August 11 2010 Oahu Intergroup Minutes – July 14 2010 Oahu Intergroup Minutes – May 2010
OIG Financials (Archived 2014-2015)
Contributions Nov 2010 Income Expense Nov 2010 Balance Sheet Nov 2010 __________________ Contributions Oct 2010 Income Expense Oct 2010 Balance Sheet Oct 2010 __________________ Contributions Sept 2010 Income Expense Sept 2010 Balance Sheet Sept 2010 __________________ Contributions Aug 2010 Income Expense Aug 2010 Balance Sheet Aug 2010 __________________ Contributions July 2010 Income Expense July 2010 Balance Sheet July 2010 __________________ Contributions June 2010 Income Expense June 2010 Balance Sheet June 2010 __________________ Contributions May 2010 Income Expense May 2010 Balance Sheet May 2010 ___________________ Financial Report April 2010 Financial Report March 2010 Financial Report February 2010
OIG Newsletter
A.A. Links
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services AA Grapevine Hawaii Area 17 West Hawaii Intergroup (Big Island) East Hawaii and Puna Intergroup (Big Island) Maui Intergroup Kauai Intergroup
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