24 Hour Helpline

Call 808.946.1438 to speak to a sober member of A.A. 24 hours a day.

Answered by a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the Intergroup helpline is often the first place the general public acquires information about A.A. on O`ahu.

Interested in volunteering to answer Intergroup phones?

The After-Hours Phone Angles are a team of oriented volunteers who have at least a year of sobriety, working knowledge of the 12 steps, and who are active in A.A. Phone Angels respond to more than 200 calls per month. Our team of volunteers field calls when the O`ahu Central Office is closed and currently fill six-hour shifts Sunday – Saturday:
6a – 12 noon | 12 noon – 6p | 6p – Midnight | Midnight – 6a.

Click here to learn more about volunteering.