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North Shore AA Birthday Celebration
Haleiwa Beach Park 62-449 Kamehameha Hwy, Haleiwa, HI, United StatesMeeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Oahu Central Office is closed Monday, March 20, for the Martin Luther King holiday.
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Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
More information to come.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Food, Fun and Information
Join us for food, raffles, games and four speakers!
After the workshop, join us for lunch, fellowship and fun activities.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Join Kalihi Sobriety group at Picnic Site 28 A & B for fun, fellowship, live music, listen to past & present speakers, and Hawaiian food! Birthday night meeting to follow at the beach at 5:00 pm.
Join us! Potluck begins 6 p.m., followed by our meeting: 7:45-9 p.m.
Potluck! Lunch at 12pm. Bring a dish to share, or just bring yourself! Catch a meeting at 12 Coconuts, and then come on over and join us in a day of food, fellowship, and fun!
12 Noon, 5:30 pm: Open meetings. Potluck at 1:30. Please bring a dish! Hot dogs and hamburgers provided. Help with set-up (8am) is appreciated.
For more information, please call (808) 391-4635.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting ID: 840 153 0129 PW: 376484
5:00 Meeting, 6:30 Dinner, 7:30 Contest Winners Announced (Costume and Baked Goods), 8:00-9-45 Dance
For more information, call Francesca at 808-291-3460.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.