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Men only. Potluck – please bring a dish to share!
AA Traditions Workshop – Guidance & Protection for Individuals, Groups, and the Fellowship.
All welcome! We encourage family participation, but please ensure kids are supervised at all times.
*Picnic tables and benches available, feel free to bring your own comfy chairs.
*FREE BBQ starts at 11:00am – Hot dogs, hamburgers, and vegetarian dishes provided. Bring your favorite side dish or dessert!
Some beach rules to note:
– Pop up tents up to 14 x 14 allowed but must be 5 feet apart from one another. No stakes.
– No pets
– No glass
– No fishing
– No kites
– Smoking in designated areas only. PLEASE dispose of butts properly.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
More information to come.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Food, Fun and Information
Join us for food, raffles, games and four speakers!
After the workshop, join us for lunch, fellowship and fun activities.
Meeting from 12PM-1PM, pot luck & fellowship after. Bring your own chair.
Join Kalihi Sobriety group at Picnic Site 28 A & B for fun, fellowship, live music, listen to past & present speakers, and Hawaiian food! Birthday night meeting to follow at the beach at 5:00 pm.
Join us! Potluck begins 6 p.m., followed by our meeting: 7:45-9 p.m.
Potluck! Lunch at 12pm. Bring a dish to share, or just bring yourself! Catch a meeting at 12 Coconuts, and then come on over and join us in a day of food, fellowship, and fun!