Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu

Oahu Central Office is closed Monday, March 20, for the Martin Luther King holiday.

We look forward to seeing you!

Long-awaited repairs have been completed and we are soooo happy to serve you. We just received a shipment of books and pamphlets, too. We’ve had several requests for “Alcoholics Anonymous Comes of Age” for the history buffs among you, as well as “Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers” and
“Our Great Responsibility.” Among the new arrivals are six copies of “The AA Service Manual & The Twelve Concepts for World Service,” an unbelievable bargain at just $4.00. We also have every size of the Big Book, from pocket-size to large print, hard cover, soft cover, even replica copies of the original edition of the Big Book. And believe it or not, braille!

Our office is safe to enter now but, if you prefer, we’ll still meet you at the curb on Beretania St. with your order. Just call us first at 946-1438 so we can prepare what you need and give you the total cost. And did we say we missed you?