Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu

Central Office is closed Wednesday, March 26, for Prince Kuhio Day.


While there are no special alcoholics, there are alcoholics who experience access barriers to receiving the A.A. message. For some, a six-inch step can be an insurmountable issue. Some members are ill, homebound, or living in retirement or convalescent homes; others have hearing or vision loss, learning, reading or information-processing challenges; and still others are elderly, use wheelchains or canes, or have other mobility concerns. Literature may be hard to understand. Childcare issues may make it impossible to attend regular meetings. Remote geography or cultural differences may hinder contact with other members.

The Accessibilities Committee serves those who have great difficulty participating in A.A. because of these disabilities. Our goal is to explore, develop, and offer resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery.  We want A.A. to be available to all alcoholics who reach out for it.

For more information, please contact the Treatment & Accessibilities Commitee at

— Printed with permission from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

A.A. Literature available in Audio and A.S.L.

Alcoholics Anonymous | The Big Book

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions | 12×12