Oahu Intergroup Website Guidelines – Adopted By OIG Steering Committee 9/7/2020, adopted by OIG Body 10/14/2020
The Oahu Intergroup website (https://oahuaa.org/) is a public information tool that provides services to A.A. members and groups on the island of Oahu. This website is neither endorsed nor approved by A.A. World Services, Inc. and is solely the property and the responsibility of Oahu Intergroup of Hawaii, Inc. and its Central Office.
Any other websites linked to or from this site are not the responsibility of Oahu Intergroup and links do not imply endorsement or approval of the contents of those sites.
Our current content policy is as follows:
1. The spirit of A.A. principles and traditions will be followed at all times. This means that at a minimum:
1.1. Anonymity will be preserved and protected. The full names of individuals, individual phone numbers, postal and email addresses, and identifiable images will not be displayed on the website (Traditions 11 & 12).
1.2. There will be no endorsement or affiliation with non-A.A. entities (Tradition 6). Links to non-A.A. entities will include notification that the user is leaving the Oahu Intergroup site.
1.3 Content will conform to the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous and to these guidelines.
2. Copyrights shall be respected. Registered trademarks, when used, should be acknowledged as such.
3. Anonymous email addresses will be available for Oahu Intergroup trusted servants, Steering Committee Officers, the Central Office Manager and others as needed.
3.1. Email addresses will use Intergroup’s domain name to maintain the anonymity of trusted servants (e.g., manager@oahucentraloffice.com).
3.2. All replies to visitors’ email will be made using anonymous email addresses.
3.3. Temporary email anonymous addresses for the use of those working on special events may be created as needed.
4. The website will provide information to Alcoholics Anonymous members and groups on the island of Oahu.
5. While the content policies of this website will evolve over time, it will endeavor to follow the model and advice of the Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office (GSO) as described in the GSO Guidelines: Internet || MG-18 and Frequently Asked Questions About A.A. Websites || SM F-101