What is Oahu Intergroup?
- O`ahu Intergroup is the collective body of local Alcoholics Anonymous on the island of O`ahu comprised of: the elected Intergroup Steering Committee (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator); and the Central Office Manager; a Representative from each district on the island of O`ahu; two Representatives from Hawai’i Area 17 and the elected Intergroup Representatives from each meeting on the island of O`ahu.
- O`ahu Intergroup provides local services to A.A. members and groups through its service office also known as O`ahu Central Office.
What is Oahu Central Office?
- A central office is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in a community – just as A.A. groups themselves are partnerships of individuals. A central office is established to carry out certain functions common to all groups – functions which are best handled by a centralized office – and its usually maintained, supervised and supported by these groups in their general interest. It exists to aid the group in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers A.A. Guidelines: Central/Intergroup Offices || M-02
- O`ahu Central Office is solely supported by the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. This includes contributions from individual members and the disbursed 7th Tradition funds collected from meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous on O`ahu.
What are the functions of O`ahu Central Office?
- Maintains a conveniently located office where paid special worker(s) and volunteers coordinate local services;
- Maintains a 24-hour Helpline;
- Maintains a 12th Step Call list and coordinates A.A. members to conduct 12 Step Calls;
- Assists with inquiries from the general public, individuals who think they may have a drinking problem as well as treatment facilities, court and medical professionals seeking information;
- Acts as a liaison between the general public and Hawai’i Area 17 Standing Committees Chairs ensuring we continue to carry the message into the correctional facilities, treatment centers, hospitals, as well as the elder and professional community. In addition we assist the Public Information committee ensuring the general public has an accurate view of Alcoholics Anonymous;
- Provides information on local events and maintains an up to date meeting directory;
- Maintains a supply of A.A. Conference approved and A.A. Grapevine literature for sale;
- Maintains an informative website that includes up to date meeting directory and events schedule; and
- When applicable – Creates, updates, and prints O`ahu A.A. meeting schedules.
How can I get involved?
- Send an Intergroup Representative (IGR) from your Homegroup to the monthly Intergroup meeting to share your Homegroups voice on topics which affect A.A. as a whole on O`ahu.
- Serve as an IGR it offers a rewarding opportunity to share in Alcoholics Anonymous’ Third Legacy of Service.
- Ensure your group participates in a regular pie split of the funds collected in the 7th Tradition. For more information see pamphlet Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix || F-03
- Volunteer to be in service: In office volunteer, afterhours phone angel, be added to the 12th step list, or become a member of the activities committee or stand for a Steering Committee position.
Reprint from “The A.A. Guideline: Central/Intergroup Office″ with permission from A.A.W.S, Inc.
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