Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu

Central Office is closed Wednesday, March 26, for Prince Kuhio Day.

Brief Guide for Intergroup Representatives

How it Works

The Intergroup Representative (IGR) is elected by his/her Homegroup. The IGR attends the monthly Intergroup Business Meeting currently held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm. This participation will allow for a two-way flow of information between O`ahu Intergroup and the groups it serves. The IGR also attends their Homegroups’ business meeting, asking for suggestions and input on issues presented by Intergroup.

The IGR is the groups’ link to those elected to maintain and operate O`ahu Central Office, better known as the O`ahu Intergroup Steering Committee. The O`ahu Intergroup Steering Committee is comprised of A.A. members elected by the Intergroup Representatives at the November Intergroup Elections Meeting held biannually (every other year) who function in the capacity of a board of directors. The primary purpose of INTERGROUP is to administer and coordinate A.A. activities common to the various groups comprising its membership. The Intergroup furthers the A.A. program in accordance with the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and maintains a Central Office for A.A. on the Island of O`ahu.

As an IGR, you can do a number of things to serve your group and Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Attend the once a month O`ahu Intergroup Business Meetings. Encourage your Homegroup to elect an Alternate Intergroup Representative who can attend the monthly meeting in your absence and also become familiar enough to stand for the next panel. For meeting time and place see the OIG Website Events Calendar.
  • Keep your Homegroup informed. Take notes at the O`ahu Intergroup Business Meeting and provide a written report for your Homegroup. Coordinate time with your Homegroup secretary for a few minutes during the Homegroups Business Meeting to provide an objective report of what occurred at the last O`ahu Intergroup Business Meeting. The goal is obtain your Group Conscience on the various issues and relay that information during the next O`ahu Intergroup Business Meeting.
  • Know the By Laws of O`ahu Intergroup. O`ahu Intergroup operates under a set of guidelines called the By Laws. The O`ahu Intergroup of HI Inc | By Laws can be found on the OIG Website. Become familiar with it and its provisions.
  • Sign up volunteers. Recruit members of your group for service on O`ahu Intergroup committees or as an O`ahu Central Office, After-Hours Phone Angel, HelpChat, 12th Step, and/or activities committee volunteer.
  • Keep your group’s records current. Make sure that your Homegroup’s information is correct on the hard-copy meeting schedule, and the website at Confirm the Central Office has the name, address, phone and email of your groups primary contact and group treasurer. In addition, we ask that your groups’ primary contact or IGR notify the O`ahu Central Office regarding any changes to your meeting.
  • Help keep Alcoholics Anonymous solvent. Advise the group treasurer of where the 7th Tradition funds should go after the group’s expenses are met. For more information on group pie splits see Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix || F-03

Suggested Reading list for Intergroup Representatives