Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu

Central Office is closed Wednesday, March 26, for Prince Kuhio Day.


Self-Support and the Seventh Tradition

“Self-support begins with me, because I am part of us – the group. We pay our rent and utility bills, buy coffee, snacks and A.A. Literature. We support our central office, our area committee, and our General Service Office. If it were not for those entities, many new people would never discover the miracles of A.A.” ~ Reprinted from Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix, page 5, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

To support Oahu Intergroup by check, mail check payable and send to:

O`ahu Intergroup of Hawai`i, Inc.
P.O. Box 2384
Honolulu, HI 96804

Group treasurers: On checks, please include your Group’s Name as it appears in the meeting schedule.

Other AA Entities:

Contributions to the General Service Office

When making contributions to the General Service Office in New York, please include your Group Service Number (GSN). If you do not know your GSN, please contact the GSO Records and Groups desk at (212) 870-3132.

Checks payable to: General Service Board
Post Office Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407

Contributions to Hawaii Area 17:

Hawai`i Area 17 | Hawai`i Area Committee | P.O. Box 1413 | Honolulu, HI 96806 or you may contact them via their at Hawai`i Area 17 website

Contributions to O`ahu Districts:

Diamond Head District #1 | P.O. Box 24039 | Honolulu, HI 96824
Honolulu District #2 | c/o Alcoholics Anonymous | P.O. Box 38073 | Honolulu, HI 96837
Leeward District #3 | P.O. Box 1643 | Pearl City, HI 96782
Windward District #4 | P.O. Box 6595 | Kaneohe, HI 96744
Central North Shore District #9 | 67-167 Kanoeana St | Waialua, HI 96791
Waikiki District #10 | P.O. Box 88645 | Honolulu, HI 96815
Waianae District #17 | P.O. Box 1992 | Waianae, HI 96792

A.A.’s Tradition of Self-Support

In keeping with the Seventh Tradition, O`ahu Intergroup of HI Inc. limits contributions to two sources: A.A. groups, and individual A.A. members. While there is no limitation on the amount an A.A. group may contribute, we follow the limits established by the General Service Conference for individual contributions, currently not more than five thousand dollars ($7,500.00) per year. Bequests in wills are acceptable on a one-time basis, and not in perpetuity. The limit is no more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).

Together, group and individual contributions make it possible for us to coordinate the services which individual groups on O`ahu cannot provide and to facilitate twelfth step work.

For additional information regarding A.A.’s tradition of self support, please consult the pamphlet Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix || F-03 , or visit Alcoholics Anonymous World Services.