Alcoholics Anonymous on Oahu

Central Office is closed Wednesday, March 26, for Prince Kuhio Day.

24 Hour Helpline

Call 808.946.1438 to speak to a sober member of A.A. 24 hours a day.

Answered by a sober member of Alcoholics Anonymous 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the Intergroup Helpline is often the first place the general public acquires information about A.A. on O`ahu.

Interested in volunteering to answer Intergroup phones?

The After-Hours Phone Angels are a team of active A.A. members who voluntarily field calls when the O`ahu Central Office is closed. They must have a year or more of sobriety, a working knowledge of the 12 steps, and frequent attendance at A.A. meetings. Phone Angels respond to more than 200 calls per month in one or more six-hour shifts weekly, Sunday through Saturday. They do it not only to help others, but because it’s rewarding and helps them stay sober.

During office hours–weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the phone is answered by volunteers who also help A.A. members purchase literature in person.

Click here to learn more about volunteering.